Thursday, March 31, 2011

I am God and You and The Universe Are The Proof That I Exist

Hi all.

This was going to be part of a book I had hoped to write but hell with it I am going to post it here as sort of therapy to help me deal with the death of one of the greatest minds Giza is ever apt to see, Clive Ross. As I mentioned in my previous post it was Clive mentioning to me that on Mars an object would fall EXACTLY 100 Egyptian digits in one second that started me on this present course. For those who are just a bit mathematically unsure of themselves this means that if you stood on the top of a cliff and dropped something off of this cliff on Mars it would fall, in one second a distance of 100 Egyptian digits. There are 28 Egyptian digits in a cubit so by simple math, 100 divided by 28 we arrive at a distance of 100 / 28 or 3.57142857142857 ancient Egyptian Royal Cubits. This would mean that that the distance would equal 73.6358 inches since I am steadfast in my belief that the ancient Egyptian Royal Cubit equalled 20.618034 inches or 20.Phi. The fact that an ancient measure of a long dead civilization could have planetary roots started my mind racing and I decided to pursue this avenue of thought and see what other secrets our solar system might hold for us. It is a journey I have still yet to complete but here is a bit of what I have found. But first a warning. if you totally believe that the pyramids were tombs and nothing more and that the pharaoh was buried in them and that each megalomaniac of a man built his own tomb with no thought to where the others were placed and are closed to the idea that that they could actually represent something else please just close the link and return to the box in which you reside for you will only be lost and frustrated here for this site requires that you take the blinders off and just look at the evidence as if you had no idea where it was found and then and only then make a determination of what is real and what is fiction. So before I begin another thank you to Clive for his gift to me was a gift for a lifetime.

Part I

The Final Book of Revelation

The Final Chapter:

I Am God and The Universe and You

are the proof that I exist

Hi all ...

Well it has been a long journey of discovery for me, and although it still goes on the mystery has in part been solved, for I have finally found "The Master's Plan". Although I have solved that part of the puzzle, who this Master Builder is, why this Master Builder chose to create this universe we inhabit and when this creation took place for the moment escapes me. But rest assured that an intelligence of some description created it and this is the proof that I shall offer. This was written as an introduction to a website I created a couple of years ago as the enormity of what I was discovering slowly took hold of me and my thoughts and I began to see things both in our solar system and at Giza in a different light.

As I wrote on that website: For a long, long time I have pondered on how would one ever prove that "God" existed? Even more difficult, I often wondered, would be how would one prove it to me ! Questions pondered on since "The Dawn of Man" and a title so aptly chosen by Clive Ross, a true pioneer in this field and one who probably already had all the answers I am only now just discovering. To begin I need to just add this. Since childhood and my first experience with eclipses I always marveled at the amazing fact that The Moon was situated is such an obit about The Earth and placed in such a way that during a total eclipse of The Sun it perfectly covered The Sun and gives us this beautiful image:

I remember asking many times earlier on and in my childhood, when we still asked such questions and were not hardened to wonder and learning by the troubles and responsibilities of modern life, how this was possible and I vaguely remember being told it was "just a co-incidence" (possibly my first experience with that phrase) But the question really never left me and I always wondered how this could be. Is it of course because The Sun's distance from the Earth is about 400 times the Moon's distance, and the Sun's diameter is about 400 times the Moon's diameter. Because these ratios are approximately the same, the Sun and the Moon as seen from Earth appear to be approximately the same size: about 0.5 degree of arc in angular measure this and only this combination would give us the situation needed to give us these beautiful solar eclipses. And then a couple of years ago I noted something else and developed a web page on it but it fell on deaf ears but now has even more significance for me and this proof I am offering. As we all have seen, just moments before or actually at the instant before totality a beautiful ring is observed. Is this the ring that "The Creator" has offered us? Well let's take a look at the image so it is fresh in our minds and wonder together and marvel at it's beauty, sparkling like the diamonds that The Earth produces and meant, maybe symbolically to represent, the reflecting of 'The Creator's Light'

This journey really begins I think 61 years ago but that might be a bit tedious so I will start at where we are now and work backwards building onto the new with flashbacks of my older revelations. Okay well where are we now? Well we now have concluded and I think proven, at least to myself, that The Solar System at the very least and probably The Universe along with undoubtedly "Man" has been created by intelligent design. There can be little doubt of this and unless there is someone out there who can come up with a mathematical formula that will solve all the data, this solution should stand the test of time, short though this time may be. Further to this discovery either "Ancient Man" knew all of these things which I am about to explain to you or "The Creator(s)" had an active part in either the building or the designing and leading of the ancient workforce. Take your pick for there can be only these two possibilities.

Recent Revelations:

Clive Ross was an individual who had been studying The Giza Plateau for well over 20 years and I first remember reading some of his theories around 1999 to 2000. Just recently, say in the last 3 years Clive had been posting clues for me to follow and helping my own personal research into Giza and for this I would publicly like to thank him from the bottom of my heart for his help, understanding and guidance along with a few strategically placed diagrams he had given me and I think had shown me enough to come to a personal realization. God is alive and well and the proof of this is in plain site on The Giza Plateau. But firstly let's start listing the things that suddenly has made me a person who now believes totally in intelligent design.

On a page in Clive Ross' book he made the casual observation that when all the diameters of all 8 planets are added together they equal in their total distance the distance from The Earth to The Moon. A most interesting observation and the title of an H.G. Wells novel and who it is said is supposed to have been an iniate. So having read that about 2 weeks ago (from my first and only meeting with Clive) I decided to test this out and see what I could find. I have not stopped thinking and measuring and dividing since. And for those poor unfortunate souls who cling to the fact that the measurements we have assigned do not equal exactly, ponder on the fact of how do you really measure the diameter of Jupiter accurately, of Saturn? of Uranus ? of Neptune ? For even Earth has a variety of diameters depending where one decides to measure it from and at what elevation.

Below please find a table of the planets and their diameters

The distance to The Moon which varies greatly is said to be from 363,104 km to 405,696 km so 400,744.08 is achieved as the two bodies move through their orbits. Below is a small chart to help us.

Orbital characteristics


363,104 km (0.002 4 AU)


405,696 km (0.002 7 AU)

Semi-major axis

384,399 km (0.002 57 AU[])

As interesting and amazing as that was I decided to do my own research of our solar system and see what I could come up with for if there was one oddity perhaps there would be others.

The next thing I decided to do was to add up the diameters of the 8 planets as a ratio to that of the Earth and it yielded some startling results. Please see the chart below. However before moving on do we really know EXACTLY the width of all the planets accurately. Can we be certain exactly how wide Jupiter is or Saturn or Uranus or Neptune or even our own Earth for it changes with the elevation and whether it is the Polar or Equatorial measurement. The measurements I used are found on two different sources and the fact that others do not agree and that there may be different distances out there the bottom line is that the total regardless of what other sites show equal the number I show below. Of this I am certain for this is but the tip of an ever-expanding iceberg. Here is the chart:

So unbelievably we have the diameters of the first 8 planets, including the diameter of The Earth equalling and totalling the diameter of The Earth itself times 10 times Pi. It goes beyond my comprehension how this could be so. So just to try to make it a bit clearer. We have the total of the first 8 planet's diameters equalling 400,744.8 kilometres. Now the diameter of Our Earth is, by the latest results and surveys equal to 12756.28 kilometres. If we divide the total distance in the first image of 400,744.8 by the diameter of The Earth or 12756.28 we get 31.4154910365718. If we divide this by 10 we get 3.14154910365718 and if we subtract that from true Pi or 3.1415926535897932 we get an almost insignificant variant of 0.00004355. As a by-product of all this we find that the circumference of The Earth which is diameter times Pi or 12756.28 times 3.14159265 we get 40075.0 kilometres or one tenth the diameter of all the planets added together. Proof beyond doubt that "The Creator" was doing "IT"S" best to draw our attention not only to Phi but maybe to circles and the planets themselves as well.

Here is an image I put together to illustrate the point.

The next thing I decided to do was to add up all the semi-major axis' (average distance from The Sun) of all 8 planets to see if they yielded anything significant and again they came to a startling conclusion. Here is the chart of the measurements. However before this happens we have to be aware of the Titius-Bode's Law which explains where the planets should be in relation to The Sun. Here is the formula:


The law relates the semi-major axis, a, of each planet outward from the sun in units such that the Earth's semi-major axis = 10, with

a = n + 4

where n = 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 ..., with each value of n > 3 twice the previous value. The resulting values can be divided by 10 to convert them into astronomical units (AU), which would result in the expression

a = 0.4 + 0.3 · 2 m

for m = - , 0, 1, 2,...[1]

For the outer planets, each planet is 'predicted' to be roughly twice as far away from the Sun as the next inner object

Here are the distances of planets calculated from the rule and compared with the real ones



T-B rule distance

Real distance





































Below I have expanded the chart to include the distance from The Sun.

Now I would like you to study the measurements for a moment and take particular note of Mercury being 0.4 AU (Earth distance from The Sun) and Venus being 0.7 AU from the Sun and marvel as I did when this insight suddenly jumped into my mind and I created this image. This was my first image where I saw possible distances appearing from The Solar System and my first inkling that G2 could be The Sun.

Here is a second image and a very early one at that which started me thinking in a certain direction. It was my first insight into 11 units being the make up of the north-south distance and was much more profound a discovery than I gave it credit for at the time. I mean how clever could the builders get. The south base of G2 was 4 /11ths of the way up the plateau and it was 411 cubits wide. What a brilliant piece of engineering and what a great sense of humour they had.

We have taken a first step towards "The Truth" and I am just going to take a quick break and begin Part II. This is the first is a series of posts which I hope will once and for all prove that Giza was planned from the start and as Clive Ross had maintained for many years was simply a giant, accurate astronomy book.

In Part II we will discover the rainbow of Noah, a proof of the validity of Ra as The Pyramid of Khafre and other assorted goodies and if I have time a final definitive proof of a marker to convince even the hardest critic that all is as I suggest. I will also try to re-write the Titius-Bode Law and make it work flawlessly and you can wonder along with me how they missed it during the Renaissance ... or did they ?

Part II to follow soon.

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